Monday, May 2, 2016

Why would a single woman quit everything and run for the mountains?

Why would a single woman quit everything and run for the mountains?
That's right I have dropped everything to live in the bed of my truck with my cat and my pup. You may call it crazy, but I call it brilliant!

1. No! It is not to get over a break up. Contrary to popular belief I have NOT been sitting in my room huddled up in a corner eating Ben & Jerry's til I collapse. People hear I'm going on a road trip for a year around America and they immediately assume "Problems at home." My immediate reaction is to push them over a cliff, but due to lack of cliffs in the immediate area, I have to tell them I take a Buddhist outlook on relationships. I am looking to be resoundingly happy with myself, and show others how to do the same.


2. Have I hit rock bottom? Oh I bet you wish I did! Oh wait .... Did I? The past two years I've been searching high and low for jobs on ... Craigslist.

Ya, so I might call that the bottom. Except that It's given me a wide range of skills, and I made more money this way then my original job. You might call it rock bottom, but I prefer to call it character building.

3. Am I running away from Trump? Well although I acknowledge that this country may be less appealing to me if Donald Trump is elected. And even though I disagree with his racist slander, impossible wall for Mexico,  and his choice to kill women and children without due process, I can not say this is my reason for becoming a nomad.

4. I may have lost my mind, one to many hits to the head. True enough that I've taken a few hits from mountain biking, water skiing, and ice skating, but have I lost my mind? I mean who just packs up the bed of their truck and explores North America with a dog and cat. A crazy person, that's who. Mad with adventure, and sick with the travel bug, I may need a doctor.

 5. I like binge watching mountains. Now-a-days Television is so predictable. The bad guys always loses, the maid murdered the master, and the black guy dies first. (Seriously Hollywood, Why is this? SEE BLOG HERE.) I prefer to watch the drama of nature. 
You never know when you'll be watching a river and a salmon jumps out, only to be caught in mid air by a hawk. The beauty of nature is that it's unpredictable and always moving.

6. I'm doing this because you wont. Does this sound rude? I don't mean it to be. The thing is I use to be a hospice nurse for cancer children (Hospice care means you have three months to live.) If this breaks your heart to think about then stop reading, because these kids use to tell me all sorts of adventures they wanted to go on. None of them got to go. Some made me promise I would go if they couldn't. 
Maybe this is what sparked the change. Or perhaps it was the occasional elder that would tell me their last regrets. At no point did anyone say "I wish I watched more TV" it was usually "I wish I spent more time with my family" and "I wish I got to travel before I couldn't".

7. Ultimately I'm doing this to grow. I want to learn about the rest of the world so first I have to start at home! I'm traveling to every state in the United States then all the provinces in Canada. I feel like if I start off going to Spain, America might not compare. So if I start in America first it'll just keep the flame burning.

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